Monday 17 June 2013

Daniel Richter

“We are the enemy”

Berlin-based artist that developed on intensely colourful psychedelic art that has progressed over the years composed of very surreal figures and abstract environments. The anarchistic characteristics serve to create a surreal atmosphere inhabited by ghastly contorted faces and uniformly shadowy figures running through psychedelic war-scapes and urban backdrop riots. His figures seem to denote little individuality between each other and demonstrate tenacity and an inclination to mob mentality above all.

These works become increasingly warped as all sense of space deteriorates and the figures are running through strange alien despotic landscapes. That these works capture the point where civilisation collapses where there is a point that the perception of things degrades and the active chaos is all that’s left featured similarly in these works. The chaotic dynamism in these works is intriguing to view and would be an interesting direction to study as I progress.

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